We take care of South Carolina insurance policyholders and claimants when an insurance company fails.
The South Carolina Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association (SCPCIGA), created by legislation, handles the claims of insolvent property and casualty insurance companies.
Pursuant to the SCPCIGA Act, we have a duty to settle claims in accordance with the Act, the policy and South Carolina insurance laws, in a timely manner.
SCPCIGA follows the requirements of South Carolina insurance law in its handling of covered claims from insolvent property and casualty insurance companies ordered liquidated by a court of competent jurisdiction.
The failure of an insurance company is administered differently than other business bankruptcies. This is because insurance is regulated by the states and failures are not governed by federal bankruptcy law. When an insurance company becomes insolvent and is unable to pay outstanding claims, a state's courts and the insurance commissioner begin a legal process to determine appropriate action for the company.
Each year, hurricanes threaten the coast with damaging winds and rain. Whether you’re renovating or re-roofing, or preparing for hurricane season or an approaching storm, IBHS has science-backed tips to help. Prepare now and be Hurricane Ready.